Camp In the Rain

Posted: July 16, 2021 in Uncategorized

I’m still at Haven Camp. I just got off the boat ride, just had some lunch and the skies opened up and I currently find myself sitting on a nice covered porch writing this post as the thunder reverberates through the valley surrounding the lake. It’s kind of surreal. After lunch, the campers have what they call lodge time. It’s a time for the campers to go back to their rooms to rest. It’s interesting, these campers do so great but you can really notice when they get tired. This little respite in the middle of the day gives them a chance to rest so they can go take on the afternoon.

They’re not the only ones who could benefit from a little rest. My great temptation is to use this quiet time to created something new or tweak something I’m not pleased with in my presentation, and while there is certainly nothing wrong with that, I wonder if I might benefit from a little rest too. How about you?

It’s funny, I’m at camp. Now I am working, and so I have responsibilities, but truth be known this rainy afternoon on the porch makes me take a real look at myself and my priorities. After all I am taking vacation time to make this trip. This time away is sort of emblematic of my time in ministry. I have a very flexible schedule, and yet I have to ask do I take advantage of that flexibility for a little self-care? Do I take the time rest, or do I make my flexible schedule just an excuse to pack more things into an already full life? My day here begins around six a.m. with devotions and exercise, preparation for the morning’s message;. Then there are activities with the campers til lunch, then more activities interspersed with prepping for the afternoon’s session, which is followed by dinner and more activities. Of course I also enjoy taking some time with the staff after the campers turn in for the night. It’s a busy week. I love it, but these little siesta moments could probably be better spent in rest. I need to stop seeing rest as a weakness. How about you? One thing is for certain, I can go through this afternoon’s message and still have a few moments to prop up my feet for a little siesta. Wisdom says that is exactly what I should do. The question is, how wise am I?

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