Archive for the ‘cartoons’ Category

Today I was reading Romans 9 and saw this verse. “Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?” Romans 9:21 (NIV)

Here’s what I came up with.

I love making art and I really enjoy making weird creatures. I’ve had this idea for probably 30 years called the Weird World of Weiss. I’m trying to figure out a way to use this work to bring the Gospel to people. The idea of weird is a play on 1 Peter 2:9

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light…”

I don’t know where this will go, if anywhere, there’s not a lot of time for it these days, so I think I will just make some art and see where it goes.

Over the last few weeks or so, I have been spending a lot of time working on building online community and other stuff, so today I had a little bit of a break and I decided to stretch my creative muscled and do a little art. My friends at Kul Pong Klub in Croatia have their creative prompts called Marchartoon. So I decided to make a little art today.
The challenge this year was to combine an animal and a sport. These were fun and a good distraction. I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish them all, but I had a good time and they lowered my stress a bit.

You can see the rest at my Beware of Artists Page.

My web comic Creacher, has been on hiatus for a little while now while I finished other studies and projects, but I have now brought it back. It will be a while til it is totally up to speed but here is the first one.

I’ve heard several people on social media of late talking about some very different views of the Bible. Some of them were actually somewhat alarming, seeing as how they came not from people who don’t claim to believe the Bible, but from church leaders. I decided to create something to challenge this view.

Okay I’ll admit it, I’m a little behind. I’ve been trying to do a piece of art every day over at Beware of Artists. I’ve got a couple drawings done but no time to get them into the computer to finish the paintings and post them. I will catch it up, but in the mean time I would love to get your opinion on my gallery over at I’ve been putting work over there for years, and I’m really pretty proud of some of those pieces but few people get over there. If you get a chance, I’d love to you to go over and check it out. The work there is sort of a combination cartooning/pop art/low brow art with some other influences thrown in for good measure. I’d love to see which pieces you like best. You can see the gallery here.

Also I have been posting teeshirt art over at my Zazzle store for quite some time and I’d love to hear what you think of those designs as well. See them here. 

For the record, I’m not advertising for sales here, just wanting to have some people check out my work and let me know what you think.

Sometimes a project doesn’t end up the way you planned it. A while ago I had an idea. I was going to create a bunch of three by five cards to distribute around the community, linked to a web page that would tell people more about Jesus. I even was in the process of creating a price for the winner. Unfortunately some things in my ministry changed and I was never able to quite pull it off. The resulting video sat in limbo for quite some time. Recently I rediscovered it and thought, that might be useful to a kids ministry somewhere, so I “dusted it off” revamped a few things and published it.

It’s based on the parable of the lost sheep. I think I am going to end up redoing this piece, and the associated outreach, for my current church, but in the mean time, I thought I would at least share clip in case someone can use it. Sometimes things fall through and have to be discarded. Most of the time, though I think our timing is off, and we just need to wait for the right time. Store your ideas, even the ones that appear to be failing. Sometimes they can be resurrected later. After all, our Lord is in the resurrection business.

A lot of people, including some new friends have asked me about gifts, talents and calling. I am thinking through a more extensive post or project on the topic, but I decided to crystallize some basic thoughts over at my web-comic CREACHER. These are just the basics, more to come.

I decided to share this series of Creacher comics which pretty much says everything I need to say about Dreams, talent and doing the work.

I’ve decided that everybody’s favorite donkey’s commentary may not be the best fit for this site, so I moved him over to my portfolio/more secular site at I’d love to have you go there and subscribe. The goal is to run alec five days a week for as long as he has something to say. Head on over and check him out.