Archive for November 9, 2015

I keep hearing about the change in the church. How Christians should prepare to be a minority and how the church was never meant to be a large movement. I don’t know about all of that. What I do know is that believers are called to share their faith and make disciples of all nations. I hear all the time how the church is not about numbers. The problem with that thinking is numbers are people and once again we are called to share the Gospel. Our world has changed in big ways, but here is what has not changed. We are still called to spread the love of Jesus, the truth that sets men free. We are still called to the ministry of reconciliation, showing people how to reconciled to God (and the only way to be reconciled to God) through Jesus Christ.

This is not time to give up and accept anything less than living out our commission. The church is here to love the world and point it to Christ. That will NOT change until Jesus returns. We need to be found faithful.