Archive for July 12, 2015

A Night AMOK: Pix of JCI had a great weekend this weekend. First, I got to do something near and dear to my heart. I spoke at a men’s prayer breakfast at The Bridge Church in Nearby Hamburg, PA. What a great group of guys. I shared my testimony as part of a message called “Things Are Not Always as They Appear” painting my painting that appears to be Satan, but when you turn it around it becomes Jesus. I usually use it in Pictures of Jesus, but it fit well here. I love doing men’s ministry party because men’s ministry is a big part of where I am today. It was at a Promise Keepers event called Stand in the Gap, that God got a hold of me and turned me around. I walked away from that day realizing that I had my priorities really out of whack. I was quickly becoming that man Jesus talked about that was gaining the whole world and losing my soul. I praise God for men’s ministry.

Then this morning I did what may be my favorite presentation, Pictures of Jesus as a morning service at Coventry Church of the Brethren in Pottstown, PA. It’s unusual for me to do Pictures of Jesus as a morning service, because of it’s length, but these folks gave me the majority of the service and it went extremely well.

I love this ministry and I hope I get to do both of these a lot more often. If any of you would like to bring me in to minister at your church, please get a hold of me. I would love to come and minister to you.

Next up this week from Thursday to Sunday, I will be traveling around central and Western Pennsylvania Check out the schedule page and if you’re in the area, I would love to meet you.