Archive for October 25, 2021

I Turned 58 This Week

Posted: October 25, 2021 in Uncategorized

Today is my birthday. Well actually I should have written this on my birthday, but I was consumed by a few really important things and so I didn’t get a chance to post. Through the miracle of WordPress, I will post this message as if I had. I just want to take a moment to praise the Lord for giving me another year. As I look back on this journey, I am perpetually amazed at His goodness and provision. He has provided me with a wonderful life. A great family, a loving wife, a fantastic career/calling and a wonderful church. He has allowed me to travel the country ministering the Gospel and meeting some of the coolest people on earth. Hopefully I will get to do a lot more of that in the year to come. This past year I got my master’s degree, became a doctoral student and learned a lot of new skills. It was also a very difficult year where I lost several people who were very important to me. Thankfully each of those losses came with the hope of a reunion in heaven which at the very least tempered that loss. In the year to follow, I am praying for open doors to share the Gospel wilh many more people including some of my loved ones and one more thing, I am praying for balance. I am starting to see that I have once again fallen into the trap of being far too driven in some areas of life and creating a lot to self imposed deadlines that are all good things, but I sometimes wonder what God things they are pushing out. I believe I need to become more aware of my personal mission and God’s calling and learn to say no, especially to myself. putting aside the good in favor of the best. I pray you have found that balance as well. Thanks for reading I pray this has been of help to someone out there today.