Archive for September 29, 2011

I’ve been developing this presentation for a few years now and am excited to offer it to churches. Due to the amount of equipment needed to do this presentation, I can only do it in places within driving distance.

Here are the details…

Help your community receive The Gift.

Dear Pastor,
I am writing to offer you my evangelistic Christmas program, The Gift. It’s a unique way of telling the Christmas story through live visual art (painting), video, drama, and the Word of God. This 90 minute to 2 hour program explores why Jesus came, what He came to do and what it means to you. It will be a blessing to established believers and could be life changing to those who have not yet accepted God’s marvelous gift, Jesus Christ. An outline of the evening includes;

The Gift: An introductory video which tells the story of Jesus from birth to 

The Names of Jesus: Prior to His birth, angels came to Jesus’ parents and tell them three names for their soon-arriving son. They say He should be named Jesus, He is Christ the Lord and He will be called Immanuel. Each of these names has clues into why He came. During this part of the presentation, I will explore these names and their meaning while creating two works of art related to the names.

The Cross of Sin: This part of the program takes us to Good Friday, a crucial part of why Jesus came. The Bible says, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for , so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 

(2 Corinthians 5:21) Using a large wooden cross, I will demonstrate what the gift cost our Lord, a major key to appreciating His worth.

The Collector: Using live painting, video and drama, I will tell the story of an art collector who loses his only son in a war. This fictional story demonstrates the importance of receiving the Gift, God’s only Son, Jesus.

As the evening comes to a close, I will sum up the evening and give an invitation to receive God’s Gift. It should be a very memorable evening for all involved. I will create three original paintings (two in ten minutes or less each and one slightly longer). Two of those paintings will be available for purchase at the end of the evening. (This can be handled a number of different ways.)

Due to the amount of materials I need to bring, I am only offering this presentation to churches within driving distance of my church in Reading, Pennsylvania (2-3 hours, 100 mile radius, I will possibly go further than this if I can arrange for three services in an area.) It is available weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) evenings between Thanksgiving and Christmas (contact me as to the availability of other evenings). Costs for the program are $100 for materials and a free will offering. If the location is beyond 50 miles (100 miles round trip) from Reading, PA, travel expenses of 50 cents a mile will be added. Churches beyond the 100 mile radius (200 mile round trip) should also include one evening’s lodging and breakfast.

I realize that many churches already have a Christmas program in place for the season. Think of this as a supplemental program, an additional community outreach and an evangelistic meeting. It’s another way of sharing the Good News and helping people to receive The Gift. I hope we can work together to bring God’s greatest gift to many in your community.
Thank you,

Dave Weiss

589 Stone Road

Mohrsville, PA 19541


To download a printer friendly version of this letter to share with your church or pastor, please click here. For additional details, click the logo above.

It feels like forever since I have posted to the tribe. My apologies but I had a great opportunity to minister over the weekend at Saint’s Home Church of God in Christ’s Youth Explosion and Grace Temple in Terre Haute, IN. It was a great weekend. I got the opportunity to paint four paintings, do a 10 foot square street painting and preach the Word. God was at work and lives were transformed, to Him be the glory. I feel like I’ve made some lifelong friendships this weekend and hope to get back there again soon. Our topic for the weekend was The Church Has Left the Building: Takin’ It to the Streets and that is exactly what the folks did. We went to a city park and share the Gospel in song, art and word. It was fantastic. Many people were fed, prayed for and blessed. Below are some photos of the event (Thanks Jerry White).

If your church would be interested in doing a similar event, I’d love to help you out. Contact me at

Painting the first painting of the weekend based on the story of the Demoniac from Mark 5

Me preaching behind the finished painting

Flip side of the Demoniac painting. The point...Jesus can turn your life around!

Italian Street Painting begins in the park in Terre Haute

I had several helpers to complete the street painting

Stephanie helps to finish the street painting

The finished street painting. It rained in the middle of making it which took the colors down a little bit but it still came out pretty good, thanks to all who helped.

Starting my painting Dichotomy, the painting I used to illustrate my park message

I really enjoyed having the children right there watching me paint.

Dichotomy in progress.

Dichotomy, The World's Most Unusual Portrait of Jesus