Archive for October, 2011

Our society is so fixated on this “Zombie Apocalypse” I’m even reading an interesting book called the Christian Zombie Killer’s Handbook (review coming soon). This classic video by Audio Adrenaline holds a much better impression. Check out the symbolism, the imagery and the lyrics. It’s really thought provoking…

Did you ever wonder if people who live in places where there are a lot of real terror and real horrors are as enamored with horror movies as those of us who live in relative peace and safety.

Did you ever wonder how people who live in nations where tribulation is already occurring feel about the pre-trib rapture?

Christians hold diverse opinions on Halloween. Some see it as Satanic, some see it as harmless and most of us are somewhere in between. I would be one of those people. On one hand the fascination with horror, gore, death and demons is particularly troublesome to me, on the other hand, it is the second most popular “holiday” in the U.S. and that seems to me like an opportunity to do some good for the Kingdom.

Halloween has it’s origins in Christianity. A day for remembering loved ones gone before as well as all the saints and as such maybe it’s not a case for coming out against it or ignoring it, but rather an opportunity for the church to reclaim and redeem. Leave that to your conscience, convictions and what the Holy Spirit (the only Spirit worth listening to) tells you to do. Follow your convictions and do what God says.

What inspired this post was something I heard a good friend say yesterday. She said Halloween is her favorite holiday because she gets to try being someone else. Now some of you may find that cringe-worthy, but I get it. I had a day like that, but it wasn’t Halloween, it was the day Christ came into my life. The Kings James Bible says “If any man be in Christ, He is a new creature…” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Christ came in and made a radical transformation in my life for the better. Of course there are major differences between my experience and my friend’s with Halloween. Her change is temporary, trying on an identity for a short period of time, all in fun, stretching her creativity to explore possibilities (that is the best side of Halloween, isn’t it?). In my case, I hated who I was and what I was becoming and needed a change that would be for good in both senses of the word. The old me needed to go, and I needed to become a new creature. The following two videos are explorations of what it means to be a new creature. Check them out and regardless about what you think and feel about Halloween, use this day to glorify God. Challenge: Scary Challenge: Scary

When I first saw the challenge was “scary” my thought went to images of monsters and other various things. How did I land on this image of a cute little lamb scared out of it’s wits? Well…frankly it all goes back to the scariest thing of all.

There’s a verse in the Bible that says “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) There is a very real threat in our world that is scary beyond belief. He is the devil, an evil spiritual being, bent on your destruction. Like a lion prowling on the fringes of a herd of sheep, he waits to do harm to whoever he can. He hates us all and wants to destroy us just like this poor terrified sheep. But there is good news.

You see a lot of people portray the devil as if he were God’s evil twin. This is not the case. He is immensely powerful and can wreak considerable havoc, but his power pales in comparison to the living God as revealed in Christ. Carrying the sheep metaphor further consider this passage from John 10, Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.” The way to avoid being devoured by the lion is to stay close to the shepherd. He is your protector, your friend and if you ask Him, your savior. He laid down His life for you and He took it up again. He is alive and nothing (not even a roaring lion bent on your destruction) can defeat Him.

Draw (and stay) close to Jesus, without Him, life is SCARY!

Louie Giglio illustrates how the heavens declare God’s praises. This video is extremely well worth watching.

For my devotional reading this morning, I read the first 10 chapters of Jeremiah. (OKay I typoed in the first edition, there are not 100 chapters in Jeremiah) Don’t think me over spiritual, I was playing catchup after a busy week. In those chapters God is instructing Jeremiah what to say to the already captive Israel and the soon to be captive Judah. As you read you can hear the angry and hurting Father mourning over his chosen nation as they fall away from him and into idolatry. My first thoughts went to our own nation but I kept feeling God drawing me back to me. Is there anything in my lifethat is drawing me away from Him? How about you?

I was listening to Craig Groschel yesterday. In his message he brought up a great point. He said what you worry about most is what you value most. What is it you worry about most? Could that be becoming an idol for you? The next point Groschel made was what you worry about most is the area where you trust God the least. This could be another symptom of an idol manifesting itself.

So what’s the challenge. Search your heart and pray, then create something that expresses your idol or something in danger of becoming an idol in your life. Yes I know it may sound ludicrous to create an image of your idol, but I’m not done. The next thing I want you to do is either ruin it or paint the no sign over it and keep it as a reminder for you not to go there.

Idolatry breaks the heart of God. Let’s live to please Him instead. Keep Him first.
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Before a particularly contemptuous meeting where a lot of factions of a church would be butting heads, I created this video to show what’s really important.

Paul Vs. Peter: Galatians 2

Paul Vs. Peter: Galatians 2

This is my worship painting for the week. I am preaching through Galatians. In chapter 2, Paul confronts Peter on his wishy washy treatment of the gentiles. Peter has been swayed by some troublemakers who are trying to add unnecessary requirements to the Gospel. If Peter, a man who had studied at the feet of Jesus could be swayed by false teaching, what do you think your odds of being confused or corrupted? There is only one hope, walking closely with Jesus and staying in the Word. Check any teaching you hear against the teachings of Jesus. No matter how much you trust your pastor or any speaker you should always have the Word of God open and you should be attentive to it any time the Word of God is being preached. You also need to study on your own and with others. This is vitally important.

Check out Paul’s confrontation of Peter for yourself in Galatians Chapter 2.

And remember, as with all worship paintings. It’s not the best painting I can do but it is the best one I can do in 20 minutes or less. Don’t complain about what you don’t have make the most of what you do.

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Okay this video has nothing to do with art, but everything to do with making the most of every moment for God. Live on Purpose!

One of the most innovative ways to make art I have ever seen.

Phil Hansen is a true innovator in the world of art. He has pretty much redefined pointillism.
See more of Phil’s art at