Archive for September 7, 2011

I decided to try a new avenue for my new design. takes submissions of designs on their website. Once the design is approved, people vote on the design and if enough people vote for it, they will print it and, well I get paid. As you probably know I do these designs from time to time to earn a little extra cash to support the ministry of A.M.O.K. I’ll tell you when it’s available for voting. You’ll have to vote pretty quickly. Visionary is an idea that started running though my head. I believe God gives us each a vision and in living it out we become visionary. My hope is to use thing from nature such as the zebra because God is the ultimate visionary.

I’m reading the book You Are Talented by Patrick Kavanaugh. It is so good to find a kindred spirit. The book talks about discovering, perfecting and using your unique abilities to the glory of God. Today’s passage was too good not to share. It talks about how to make decisions with “where you’re headed” in mind. This book is full of great stuff and it’s available on Amazon.

Also a quick prayer request. At the end of the month I will be the speaker (and of course artist) at an event called Youth Explosion in Terre Haute Indiana at Saints Home Church of God in Christ. I would really appreciate your prayers that God would use me and touch the lives of many young people. I can’t wait for this event.