Archive for September 2, 2011

The other day I posted a posting that bordered on a rant about church signs. It’s a peeve of mine and perhaps I should know better than to post the peeves. I am in no position to be critical and a critical spirit definitely came out in that post. I do apologize.

I should say this a different way. Your sign is one of the ways you introduce your church to the world, correct? You spend your time out there in the sun and the wind and the cold and the rain fumbling with all those little letters for a reason, right? What is the reason? Is it to get a little chuckle or is it to get the people who pass your church every day to look at it and say, “I wonder what’s going on in there” until they eventually come in and check you out? My guess is, because I’ve never met a pastor who doesn’t care about the souls outside our walls, that the second one is the motivation.

So let’s give it our best. Giving it your best might mean giving it to someone else. Have someone impartial check out your postings. Are they working? Do they do what you want them to do? Then ask yourself is there someone in the congregation that has a gift for writing, maybe a gifted Tweeter? Could the sign be a ministry for them? The upside of this is they get to fumble with the little letters in the heat, wind, rain, cold, etc.

The guiding verse of this blog (and AMOKArts in general) is 1 Peter 4:10: “Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others…” Helping someone to use his or her gift, even in such a small way, will help to get him/her to be more invested in the ministry of your church, take something off your plate, and help to put your church’s best foot forward.