Archive for August 23, 2018

I did it again. I let myself get offended. It was my own fault. I commented when I should have left my fool mouth (or in this case fingers) shut. The result was, well hurtful and a mischaracterization, but by now I should know better. Bottom line, I got offended.

Hear this, offense is a choice. This little incident took me off my game for two days in ways I can’t afford. The thing is, I have more important things to do and so do you. I failed to take into consideration what I’ve taught my children, which is “you don’t have to say everything you think.” Hitting delete on one little sentence, which was offered somewhat in humor, would have saved me some real stress and irritation.

Friends, it’s not up to us to “fix” other people’s ideas, politics, etc. We have too much to do. We have a message to get out that is more important than life and death. If we allow ourselves to get distracted in a whole bunch of things (issues, etc.), that make no mistake about it, are designed to distract, we’re to blame. Stay on mission. Make your art. Tell your story. Give God glory and keep moving forward. If you find yourself getting offended, pray and walk away. God’s glory is bigger and more important than our need to be right.

At the end of the day, here’s the choice we’re facing. Getting offended puts us on the defensive. We need to stay on offense. It’s not going to get any easier.