What’s Your Sign?

Posted: August 31, 2011 in Uncategorized

If I were ever going to resort to a life of crime (and I’m not but if I ever was) my crime would be most unusual. I would break into churches and steal that little book it seems most of them have, that are filled with “witty” sayings to place on their moveable letter signs. Yes I know they’d probably just get them from the net but I refuse to steal someone else’s computer, so bear with me.

Yesterday I met a pastor friend for breakfast and on my way to the restaurant, I passed a church that had not one, but two signs. The one informed me that God Answers “Knee Mail” and the other side let me know the church was “prayer conditioned.” I know it’s a pet peeve of mine but it gave me chills. It may give a chuckle to the long established believer (I thought they were slightly humorous the first time I saw them, about a million times ago.) but come on. What broken, hurting, direly in need of Jesus person is going to see that sign and think this may be the place to find the answers I’m looking for.

Yes I know someone is cringing and thinking it takes a lot more than a church sign to reach someone in need and you’re right, but shouldn’t we always put our collective “best foot forward.” I also know the church sign was the forerunner of Twitter, you know, say something meaningful in 140 characters or less, and that can be hard, but can’t we do better. Tell them what you’re doing, better yet, tell them what God is doing. Answer a question or ask a question. Pique their interest. Give them a compelling reason to walk through the door. If you’re not sure whether your sign works or not, call in a discerning teen or young adult who will tell you the truth and ask them what they think of your sign. Better yet, ask an unbeliever what they think. We are supposed to be getting to know them, you know. I’m not talking about dumbing down your message, I’m talking about making sure it doesn’t seem like your message is going to be dumb. I’m talking about looking at your first impression.

Church we are the children of the ultimate creator. We can come up with better stuff than this and we must. We have the message that changes lives, the message of the Gospel, the ministry of reconciliation. We’re here to introduce people to Jesus. You probably have great stuff going on inside your doors. The question is will they come and see if all they know is that you’re “prayer conditioned?” One of the things Jesus did was healed the lame maybe it’s time we ask Him to heal us from “lame” messages.

By the way, if you click the photo above it will take you to a site that allows you to generate your own “church signs.” Church signs have had this reputation for so long that someone has created a website about it. Something to consider. Maybe you can use the site to proof your signs before posting them for the world to see. Just a thought.

  1. Ray Hileman says:

    Amen, Brother Dave! Cheesy church signs have been an irritation for me for years.

    • amokarts says:

      Cheesy is the prefect word. Maybe that’s what I should do, get a case of snack size Cheetos and a roll of masking tape and post a bag of Cheetos to cheesy church signs, that way instead of doing something God told me not to do, (i.e. steak their book) I could leave a blessing. Oh if only I had more time.

  2. David A. Baker says:

    To be honest, sounds more like a rant. Now I understand what you are saying…but as children of Light, imitators of God, walking in love, we can do better than make fun of attempts at outreach. No matter how accomplished we have become, we must encourage understanding and maturity instead of criticize the effort of the doer.
    Eph. 4:29 (NIV) Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
    The content has much merit. Could not we broadcast it to the entire net with more grace? JAT
    God Bless your zeal. Be the Church!

    • amokarts says:

      Thanks for this David. I claim to be neither accomplished nor successful and you may be right that I need to tone this down a bit. I promise to do that very soon, keep watching.
      God bless,

  3. Larry ONeill says:

    Agree that some can be cheesy, but , to me, the purpose of a sign ministry is not always self-promotion. In fact the original purpose of even Twitter and Facebook and other social media was not intended for self promotion and commercialism either, it was communication. The sign is communication and if they drive by and think its cheesy and then continue to think about it afterwards, it did its purpose. The “Knee Mail” one has been around for ever, but to some folks who at first scoff at it, could actually be the one who later drops to his/her knee.. A sign is not always just for that church building, its for communicating to the body – of belivers and even unbelivers, and if they continue to think about it afterwards, I feel, it served its purpose.

  4. Kathy Frantz Garrett says:

    Yes! A challenge – a raffle maybe – think up a church sign and win a seat or a whold church pew.

    Twitter and Facebook updates are winning. They are a new form of communication. Young people think in updates. Isn’t it a whole new language?

    I had to get a computer 6 years ago (after most people) cuz I understood it was a new language. Things are moving very fast. FB and twitter are yet another step in terms of the speed in which we want to communicate and the new communities of people that creates.

    To use this to promote God…! Yes…yes!

    How about a Facebook page Dave? It is where I start out in the morning getting my information. It would be nice to “friend” you so that I would get your blog every morning and could share it with my friends. i just friended a cartoonist on FB and thought about how to do that with you. It would remind me to stop by and read and look.

    Thank you for all you are and do, Kathy

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