One of the things that has always eluded me, has been finding a creative group to work with. Part of the reason I travel and minister alone has been that getting creative people to work together is like herding cats. Well, for the next few months at least, I found my tribe. A few months back I got an email from the The Peter Becker Community, a retirement community. They were emailing me in my capacity as a pastor, just hoping to get a few folks to volunteer to help out with their annual flower show. Now, scratch what you might be thinking of as a flower show, because this is bigger. It’s a plethora of beautiful flowers displayed in dramatic sets, more of a walk through wonderland than what you might be thinking of when you read flower show. It’s impressive, but that’s not what got my attention. What got my attention was the theme:

Superpowers and Flowers

I thought maybe they could use my cartooning skills, so I volunteered. Sure enough, that was something they were looking for. Well yesterday, I got to speak at the kick off meeting and meet some of the folks who will be taking my designs and bringing them to life and it was awesome. These are people who are willing to put their imaginations and their skills  to work to create something truly remarkable. I can’t wait to see what comes out of this.

I shared my message “Hurried, Buried and Worried” with them. It’s an interpretation of the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25, and the idea is pretty simple. God has invested something in each of us, at least one talent. It is something of great value which belongs to Him, that He wants us to invest for the sake of his kingdom. These people are ready to step up and do something great for their community. But how about you?

First off, whether or not you have a talent, in not in question. God has invested something in each of us. Your gifts and talents are God’s investment in you. In a way, they actually show that He believes in you. The question for each of us is will we be faithful with what He has given, putting it to work for His glory, to serve others and draw others to Him, or will be bury it. Maybe you have something buried. If so, maybe it’s time to go and dig it up. This year, take what you have been given and put it to work, trusting God to do something great with it.

Use your gifts to serve the Lord and serve others, and see what God will do with it. I can’t wait to share photos of what we do as things progress. In the mean time, above is a picture of one of our “Super Seniors.” We call her Hyacynthia.

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