Archive for June 9, 2014

weakestlinkI have a saying. I originated it (as far as I know) when referring to driving here in the Pennsylvania Winter. The saying goes,

You’re only as good as the worst driver on the road.

What it means is, you could be the best driver there has ever been, with skills and natural talent and reflexes beyond compare, but if the driver in front of you does something stupid, you’re still likely to crash. Certain things are in the hands of others and many things are thoroughly out of your control.

You know how this goes:

You’re making great time until you get behind the school bus with 75 stops to make.

You’re trying really hard to do what must be done, but someone on your team just doesn’t seem to care.

You’re giving 110% but circumstances arise that mess up everything.

It seems like Murphy’s Law. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. It seems like no good deed goes unpunished. But really it is nothing more that life in a broken world. Sometimes things just don’t go our way.

Why post this at the beginning of the week? You’ll see. Why not something a little more optimistic? I’m getting there. What does this have to do with creative arts ministry? Nothing… or maybe everything!

You see as we start off this week, it is best to realize that try as we might, even when we give everything we have, circumstances may not be in our favor. Things may still go wrong. Others may still mess you up and sometimes, in spite of your best efforts, you’re only as good as the person who comes spinning out of control into your life. Sometimes a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. It doesn’t all depend on you, and some things are thoroughly out of control, or at least your control. And in those moments, it is really important to remember that God is ultimately in control and in spite of circumstances He is always good, even when nothing and no one else seems to be. You can always depend on Him.

This week I pray you have an awesome week. I pray you put your best efforts forward in every circumstance, but whether those circumstances are good or bad, Philippians 1:6 still applies: “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” So this week, give it your best and trust God with the rest.